The Link Between Chiropractic and Addictions?

Both the founder and developer of chiropractic, DD and BJ Palmer claimed that Chiropractic had the potential to "empty the prison cells". Consider this: Drug related illnesses are the leading cause of death! Drug abuse is the leading cause of crime in our society. 50% of all traffic fatalities, 49% of all manslaughter, 35% of all suicides, 69% of all drownings, 83% of all arrested males. All these people have illegal substances detected in their bloodstream! Maybe if Chiropractors could help people to overcome their chemical addictions, BJ's dream would be realised.
For many Northridge Chiropractors, to make the quantum leap beyond Subluxation concepts that hinge on the intervertebral foramen and "pinched nerves"; a "computer upgrade" in understanding psychoneuroimmunology is required. This upgrade comes from an understanding of the Brain Reward Cascade model. This model was proposed by Dr. Kenneth Blum of the University of Texas', Department of Psychopharmacology and is incredibly linked to many chiropractic concepts. The "Informational Chemicals" (as researched by Dr. Candice Pert, author of "Molecules of Emotion") that make up this linear cascade have been found to be vital to a state of wellbeing. A break in this cascade leads to what is known as Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS).
Chemical addicts and sufferers of ADHD are classic examples of people suffering RDS. The addicts synthetic attempts to replace the Brain Reward Cascade, leads to their addiction. On this level sufferers of RDS are perhaps the most subluxated individuals in our society.
A 116 page feature in the Journal of Psychoactive drugs and a text published by Amereon Press both entitled "The Reward Deficiency Syndrome, a Biogenic Model", fully explain these concepts. The missing link to chiropractic is the role the dorsal horns of the spinal cord play in this cascade! Chiropractor, Dr Jay Holder's contribution in this area has been in connecting the role of subluxations in the development of RDS. An entire chapter of the ground-breaking publication is dedicated to the role of the subluxation and the chiropractic adjustment's potential role in correcting the problem.
Three groups in Northridge
A randomised, single blind, three arm study was published in the Molecular Psychiatry Journal.
The three comparison groups ("arms") in the study were:
- Clients receiving chiropractic adjustments utilising Torque Release technique assessment protocols and the Integrator Adjusting Instrument
- Placebo Chiropractic Adjustments (Integrator which "clicked" but delivered no force)
- No additional treatment: All subjects were receiving the normal psychosocial rehabilitation of an accredited drug rehabilitation program. Anxiety scores and depression inventory scores were significantly lower, visits to the nursing station were reduced, and retention rates were significantly higher in the active care group(retention was actually 100% in the adjusted group).
Torque Release Technique Program will take your appreciation for the Subluxation, RDS, Brain Reward Cascade and Psychoneuroimmunology to new heights. Come and experience the subluxation assessment protocols and adjusting priorities as developed for this revolutionary research.
10:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm
10:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm
10:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm
10:00am - 12:00pm
Termini Chiropractic Relief & Wellness
16933 Parthenia Street #112
Northridge, CA 91343